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AEBR 316 Extent and intensity of bottom contact by commercial trawling and shellfish dredging in New Zealand waters, 1990–2021
AEBR 313 Fishery data inputs for the New Zealand Seabird Risk Assessment
AEBR 314 Update to the risk assessment for New Zealand seabirds
FAR 2023/28 Operating model and management procedure evaluation for pāua (Haliotis iris) fisheries in PAU 3A
FAR 2023/26 Pāua population monitoring in areas affected by the November 2016 Kaikōura earthquake, February 2023 update
AEBR 311 Development and testing of spatial distribution models for selected shark and turtle species
AEBR 310 Characterising the shallow, soft-seafloor biomes of northern New Zealand’s Bay of Islands
AEBR 309 Land-based effects on coastal fisheries and kaimoana and their habitats – a review.
FAR 2023/19 Fishery characterisation and CPUE standardisation for flatfish in FLA 1, 1989–90 to 2020–21
FAR 2023/18 Quantifying effects of reporting changes for pāua (Haliotis iris) catch-per-unit-effort
FAR 2023/16 Fishery characterisation and catch per unit effort for red gurnard in GUR 1 to 2020/21, with an exploration of stock structure in New Zealand waters.
FAR 2023/15 Characterisation and CPUE for the gemfish fishery in SKI 1 and SKI 2 from 1990 to 2022
FAR 2023/10 Review of inshore trawl surveys off the west coast North Island
FAR 2023/08 Fishery characterisation and Catch-Per-Unit-Effort indices for John dory in eastern JDO 2, to 2021/22
FAR 2023/07 Fishery characterisation and catch per unit effort for John dory in JDO 1 to 2020/21
FAR 2023/03 Fishery characterisation for blue cod (Parapercis colias) in BCO 7, to 2021/22